This page shows a list of known issues that impact the current default release of orgvue 3. If you are experiencing an issue which is listed here, there is no need to report it as a fix is already being prepared by our engineering team. If an issue you are experiencing is not listed, please report it either here - - or by emailing with all details. If you wish to be notified when a fix for a known issue is deployed, please mail quoting the ID for the issue from the table below.
ID | Area | Known Issue | Further Details | Workaround |
38039 | Settings | |||
55951 | Workspace | If you use Colour By, aggregated by Sum, for a chart showing average, the resulting chart will not make sense. | ||
57805 | OrgVue | There is a known issue where longer axis text on the Crosstab may split to a new line in the middle of a word. | ||
61018 | Workspace | When you first create a pivot slide and do not apply any sorting to the columns, the sorting of the data in a csv export for this slide will differ from the sorting shown. In particular, the export will be sorted alphabetically with the column sort by depth. | Apply sorting to any column and the export will now match the view in the table. | |
61508 | OrgVue | Inconsistent "Last Modified" date for Object Cards in Homescreen and Settings. | ||
64149 | OrgVue | Switching the data list from active to archived doesn't show archived dataset list until you click on refresh button | ||
72218 | Implementation Hub | Data Refresh can load records from source data files where the designated AutoID in the source file is not populated. | Remove records where the set column that is being used for the ID is blank. | |
72522 | OrgVue | When creating links in the subtenant, UI displays "Saved Successfully" when Orgvue DOES NOT save the changes | ||
72690 | Implementation Hub | Archives for additional datasets that have been setup in the Implementation HUB were created for some customers when using version 1.24. | When deploying a new version of the Data refresh in 1.24 logic was applied that created archives for additional datasets in Orgvue. These will no longer be refreshed after a patch was put in place to stop refreshing these additional dataset archives. | Archiving the additional datasets will ensure they are ignored though at this time you cannot delete them. If you delete them the refresh will fail as it requires them as part of the refresh. |
73039 | OrgVue | When global paging is applied on a chart on a multi-viz slide and the paging box enabled is enabled on export then the ppt download will contain a slide for every chart and paging combination. The screen hangs. | If you have a large number of paging options this could result in duplicate combinations and result in a very large file size which causea problems with exporting. In addition, if you have changed the layout of the multi slide and reduced the number of zones, when exporting with paging a previous zone with paging will result in additional slides being produced. | If you do not want every combination of chart and paging to generate in a slide in your export it is recommended that instead of exporting with the paging box enabled you create slides with the specific combinations you want to include in your pack (the copy slide functionality in 3.46 can assist with this) and then export with the paging box disabled. |
76564 | OrgVue | The 'Copy access link' option on a Pack card provides a URL which opens the chosen pack, but pointing at the previously opened data object trail, not the one indicated on the Pack card. | Do not use the 'Copy access link' option, but instead open the desired Pack and data object trail combination by clicking on the Pack card (and then subsequently choosing the desired data object), and then copy the URL of the resulting screen. | |
76851 | OrgVue | Unable to change Alias for properties that are already mapped for standard packs. | The main problem it creates is that once the packs are created with properties that were already mapped makes it impossible for users to change to different properties, the only option is to create a new pack from scratch. | Create a new pack from scratch |
80305 | OrgVue | Adding new properties to dataset after a View was already created, will default to hidden even though set as 'required'. | When adding a property to a dataset, set it to required, then when managing an existing view on that dataset they can see the property there listed as "show" however when actually go in the view they can't add the property or use it as it was added after the view was created. | Add the property to the view before making it required. |
80430 | OrgVue | |||
80998 | OrgVue | |||
85955 | Implementation Hub | |||
96321 | OrgVue | |||
96468 | OrgVue |
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