When designing a large organization in Orgvue it's useful to split the organization into manageable chunks to be worked on by a specific team using a View, with changes to the organization captured in an associated Draft.
In the real world this is almost never neat; and there is often the need to move a record from one View into another.
This article outlines the steps to carry out the transfer of one or more records from one View into another. We plan to simplify this process in the future.
Scenario 1: moving the Payroll Team from Finance to HR
NOTE: these steps only work if the Draft has not already been imported into the baseline and those changes saved. Instructions relating to that scenario can be found in Scenario 2.
We have one baseline dataset against which we are modelling a new organization. For convenience we will call this “The Baseline”.
The Baseline has two Views, the first of which contains all the positions where the Department is Finance. We will call this the “Finance View”. The other has all the positions where the Department is HR. We will call this the “HR View”. Each has an associated Draft where the design work is being carried out. They are called, respectively, the “Finance Draft” and the “HR Draft”.
As part of the new organization design the roles and positions in Finance responsible for payroll processing are going to move to the HR organization. This means that the payroll positions must move from the “Finance View” to the “HR View”.
How to move the Payroll team from the “Finance View” to the “HR View”
1. Open the Finance Draft
2. Select all the positions that you wish to move into HR
3. Revert all changes relating to those Nodes and save the Finance Draft
4. Open The Baseline
5. Select the Payroll team and update their Department to “HR”
TIP: To quickly find the Payroll Positions in the Baseline, simply focus on the Payroll Manager .
6. Open the HR Draft and the Payroll Team should now appear and can be moved to report into the HR Director.
Scenario 2: moving the Payroll Team to HR from Finance but The Baseline has already been changed.
In this scenario the Payroll Team also needs to be moved from Finance to HR. However, changes from multiple Drafts have already been saved into “The Baseline”.
In this case the steps to follow are more complex as you do not know which changes in which Draft have been saved to The Baseline and therefore where there may be invisible changes in Drafts.
These steps need to be followed in order. We suggest making a checklist for each Draft so that you can keep track. We also suggest that you choose a time and day to do this and warn users that they will lose access to their Drafts for a short period of time.
1. Upload or find a version of “The Baseline” which has not been edited. We will call this “Raw Baseline”.
Each of the following steps needs to be completed for each Draft.
2. Go to the “Manage Draft” wizard from the Homescreen
- Rename the Draft to make it clear this is an old version and should not be used (e.g. add “OLD” to the end of the Draft Name)
- and remove all view and edit rights from the Draft so that it can no longer be used.
3. Open the Raw Baseline
4. Import the changes from the Draft edited in Step 2.
5. Revert any changes related to Nodes that you wish to move from one View to another. So in this scenario revert all the changes relating to the Payroll Team.
6. Save the changes as a New Draft with a name that will allow you to easily find it later.
7. Return to “The Baseline” dataset and create a New Draft against the appropriate View
8. Open the New Draft
9. Import the changes from the Draft saved in step 6 and save those changes to the Draft
10. Return to the Homescreen and provide access to the New Draft to those who need to use it.
11. You can now proceed with the steps outlined in Scenario 1 to move the Payroll Team from Finance to HR.
These steps have recreated the Draft but without any changes related to the Payroll Team that you are moving from Finance to HR.
Why do we have to do this?
A draft is a list of instructions to make changes. For example, a Draft may contain an instruction to “Update the Payroll Manager’s grade to 10”.
These instructions remain in a Draft even after it has been imported into a Dataset and those changes saved. This is useful because it lets you import changes into another dataset or a new Baseline.
However, once the changes in the Draft have been saved into The Baseline the instructions remaining in the Draft don’t appear as a change and so Orgvue doesn’t display that there are any changes as the instruction will no longer make a change to The Baseline.
In the scenarios above, once you have moved the Payroll Team to HR you could then make some further changes to the Payroll Team in the HR Draft and then import these changes into the baseline and save those changes. However, if you had not cleared out the Payroll Team changes from the Finance Draft, when you next went to import further changes in the Finance Draft to the Baseline you would unwittingly include in that import the historic changes to the Payroll Team (when they were in the Finance department). These changes would overwrite the more recent and valid changes you had just imported from the HR Draft.
The steps above make sure that any changes to the Payroll Team are cleared from the Finance Draft so that Finance Draft won’t apply any unintended changes to the Payroll Team in the future.
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