Orgvue offers a construct by which one or more tenants can become ‘Sub-tenants’ of a ‘Master tenant’ which means that whatever is in the Master can also be viewed in an associated Sub-Tenant.
This arrangement facilitates single-sourcing data (e.g. Foreign Exchange rates) for a cluster of such tenants. In fact, any object in a Master tenant can be viewed from the Sub-tenant, as long as the tagging guidelines below are followed.
Note that the following constraints apply to a Master/Sub-tenant arrangement : -
- Both Master and Sub-tenant must be in the same environment (e.g.
- From the Sub-tenant, it is not possible to make any changes to any objects in the Master tenant (even if you have admin rights in both tenants)
- ‘Save-as’ copies of objects which exist in the Master tenant (which have been made visible in the Sub-tenant through appropriate tagging) can be created in the Sub-tenant
- Dataset objects in the Master tenant can be used as lookups from the Sub-tenant
- When signed in as either a ‘user’ or ‘admin’ to a Master tenant, there is no visibility of anything in any associated Sub-tenant
- When signed in as either a ‘user’ or ‘admin’ to a Sub-tenant, there is no visibility of anything to the user in any parallel Sub-tenant
- A Master can have any number of Sub-tenants, but a single Sub-tenant cannot be associated with two Master tenants at the same time (though it is perfectly possible to associate a Sub-tenant first with one Master tenant and then subsequently to a different Master tenant)
- A tenant can be associated (or disassociated) to (from) a Master tenant to become (or stop being) a Sub-tenant at any time
- Only one level of Master/Sub tenant association is allowed, in other words a tenant cannot both be a Master tenant and a Sub-tenant at the same time
To make an object in a Master tenant visible to those signed in to an associated Sub-tenant it is necessary as a minimum for the object to have ‘view’ or ‘read-only’ rights for the role ‘guest’.
This permissioning will reveal the object in the Master tenant to anyone with the specified role in the Sub-tenant.
If a user has admin rights in both the master and sub-tenants, when they are logged in to the sub-tenant they will see all the datasets in the master tenant (even in the absence of any tagging/permissioning), and those datasets will be marked with this icon : -
Further read-only permissioning for specific roles will be required if those roles are to be able to view the desired object.
For example, if you wished to make a dataset in a Master tenant visible to a user with the role of ‘hrbp’ in the Sub-tenant, the permissioning in Settings would would look like this : -
The Orgvue Settings User Guide has further detail on how to set up a Lookup dataset in a Master tenant.
Please note: datasets originating in the Master can only be edited in the Master, and viewed in Sub-tenants. It is possible to interact with Master tenant data from the Sub-tenant, and it may look like a change has been made, but these ‘changes’ cannot be saved, even if you are an Admin in the Master tenant.
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