This is an overview of the high level essentials required in tenant administration.
Accessing Orgvue as the Orgvue Tenant Administrator
- When your company's Orgvue tenant is first created the tenant creation team here at Concentra will set up at least two users within the client as a Tenant Administrator. This person should receive Orgvue training prior to accessing Orgvue.
- When the Tenant Admin's user account is created they will receive an automatically generated mail from asking that they activate their orgvue user account (for non-SSO users).
- The Tenant Admin's role data will include 'admin'. This means that they have complete access to all data within that tenant and can also create and remove further users.
Tenant Admin - Best Practice
- The Orgvue Support team will always create a new tenant with at least two Tenant Admins (TAs). Only these admin accounts have the ability to create additional users (including other TAs).
- We recommend that there are never fewer than two TAs.
- TAs are responsible for managing all access to their company's Orgvue tenant. Please consider carefully how requests from new users to access Orgvue will be handled if, for whatever reason, none of the established TAs is available.
- When a TA is no longer responsible for Orgvue in their company they must ensure to pass the TA role on to their replacement.
- Be especially careful when uploading new users to the User listing. Be especially careful when choosing to either Merge Replace or Merge Delete. It is very easy to attempt to add a single account with only the role of user, and remove all other users.
- If you lock yourself out of a tenant, contact
- Only apply expiry dates to user accounts if really necessary.
- Undertake a regular review of users (say monthly) to ensure that all the above points are covered.
- Create a protocol/rota to ensure that you are never without an available TA.
Adding/Removing Tenant Users
- As a Tenant Administrator, you have all the rights needed to add (and remove) other users, including other Admins.
Orgvue Access Principles
- A user account is always associated with a tenant
- A user account is always defined by an email address
- Every user account must have either 'admin' or 'user' as a role.
- Once a user account has been added successfully by a Tenant Admin, the user will receive two emails : -
- An activation email, to begin the two step activation process
- A 'Your new Orgvue account' email
- (For those using SSO only the second of those is sent)
- Activation links are time-limited to one hour for security purposes. (If the user does not activate the account within the one hour time limit they should reset their password.)
Any Questions
- The Orgvue Support Knowledgebase is available at the URL below to enable self-service. This has been optimised for keyword search so searching on single words works better than sentences.
Alternatively, click the Submit a Request button shown at the top of the Knowledgebase pages and complete the form to provide details of your query.
- Otherwise contact:
call: +44 (0) 20 3355 8008
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